http://librariesinteract.infoCybrary City in Second Life"Some ideas about how Australian Libraries could use the donated Cybrary building:
1. A meeting place for Australian library folk who want to know about Second Life.
2. If a library sees its role as educating their clients about Virtual Worlds,
this could be a good place to hold a class.
3. ALIA could hold section meetings in the SL building, without people needing to
physically gather.
4. National Library could create a display of some of the Flickr Picture
Australia photos.
5. Libraries Australia (or any other catalogue) could have a searchable portal in
the building.
6. As a place to virtually host library folk from other countries
7. As a student project in a library school..create the furtniture, mash up
something amazing, staff an Australian reference desk
8. A venue for Australian writers to give talks.
9. A place for displays like Childrens’ Book Week finalists.
10. Cybrary City has an auditorium and facility for conferencing, so seminars and
presentations could be held there.
11. A place to host Australian Library Week events."
Like usual, the Australians lead the game. I've been saying this for 8 years now.