Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Steven Levy Book: Perfect Thing

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The Perfect Thing: How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture and Coolness. Great read.

Quotes for self.
"Digital technology gathers, shreds and empowers all at once. Mix, mash, rip, burn, plunder and discover..." pg 4.

"When anyone can get hold of previously unattainable b-sides of 1950's singles, live cuts from long out of print concert complications, and whispered about but seldom heard gems from top artists moonlighting under pseudonyms, it's an Everest-level challenge to construct a collectioon that blows someone else's mind" pg 25. On playlist battles on dates, trains, classrooms.

Podcasting in higher education is about time shifting lectures, TiVo'g their courses pg. 245

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