Technology and Learning
Published Friday, September 14, 2007 by James | E-mail this post 
Susan McCahan, of 3m teachinng Award and UofT fame, says:
"There is no shortcut to learning. Photos aren't a substitute for taking notes. Photos don't force you to digest the material the way you do when you have to summarize it on the spot.
First-year students actually need to take better notes, not avoid them by taking pictures.
Studies show first-year students take down only about 11 per cent of the information they should – yet we also know good note-taking can improve marks by up to 40 per cent,"
Toronto StarAt the Reference desk, I see confused looks when I show some how to do something as opposed to giving it to them. It is an attitude problem. Technology without a learning literacy foundation, is useless.
We don't come to class, because we can download the notes. We don't get the text because the professor summarizes it for us. Education is about the journey not the destination. Sadly that is lost on youth today. Hopefully, enough profs will resist the pressure to "give-them-what-they-want" to meet accountability or retention expectations. Eductaion is an experience service. You don't get to dictate how rides work in a theme park, ditto for education. The ride is what it was designed to be.