Published Thursday, June 26, 2008 by James. 
Peter Murray Rust (UK) conducted a study that found that up to 80% of data cited in publications is gone. They don't exist anymore. "They were in someone's hard drive, on a web site that went away when the person left the institution, or in some medium that does not work anymore".
Chronicle of Higher Education
April 4th 2008 54 (30):B24.
Published by James. 
Peter Murray Rust (UK) conducted a study that found that up to 80% of data cited in publications is gone. They don't exist anymore. "They were in someone's hard drive, on a web site that went away when the person left the institution, or in some medium that does not work anymore".
Chronicle of Higher Education
April 4th 2008 54 (30):B24.
Published Thursday, June 19, 2008 by James. 
On March 28th, Canadian Tire announced that they would no longer produce a print catalogue. How ever will little boys dream of gifts they want for Christmas?
Sad but true.
Published Wednesday, June 04, 2008 by James. 
Zinio.comSee, I told ya so! End user, easy pay, article downloads, are going to challenge our notions of serials collections.
Published by James. 
Twine is trying to move us from social network intelligence to sematic network intelligence. I'll be watching to see how successful they are.