Published Thursday, November 20, 2008 by James | E-mail this post 
IGI Global announces the launch of a new,comprehensive pay-per-view service -
InfoSci-On-Demand - allowing researchers, scholars, and practicing managers to search and instantly purchase full-text PDFs of downloadable research. The aggregated database consists of more than 25,000 research articles written by prominent experts and scholars in the field of computer science and information technology management, and is updated with additional
articles on a daily basis. No subscription is needed to access the articles in InfoSci-On-Demand.
InfoSci-On-Demand contains every research book chapter, journal article, teaching case, conference proceeding, and reference material published by IGI Global's six prestigious imprints; "IGI Publishing", "IRM Press", "Information Science Publishing", "CyberTech Publishing", "Information Science Reference", and "Medical Information Science Reference" and is uploaded on a daily basis with new cutting-edge research works, many of which are not yet available in print.