Published Friday, October 29, 2010 by James. 
"The vast majority of students say they prefer print textbooks over electronic ones, and attitudes have not shifted markedly in the past year, according to the results of a survey by the National Association of College Stores."
Chronicle of Higher EducationMaybe they just see it for the scam that it is...pricing is still way too high for a license that expires and has no resale value.
Online education is nowhere near the marketing hype imagery used by Schools.
or you can force eTextbooks down student's throats via "
materials fees" on their transcripts.
Published Friday, October 15, 2010 by James. 
Library Future Keynote using PREZIEntertaining - Yes. Would I want to sit through this - hell no. I guess I'd like to push it on colleagues who read slides, it may help them....
Published Saturday, October 09, 2010 by James. 
Type BooksFor a negotiated fee, they will build you a library collection that meets decor needs, existing shelving, current colours, current themes, integrates your current collection, etc.
They offer "libraries on demand", from small childrens' bedrooms to room sized master pieces full or rare copies and editions.
What a great business to be in!!!
Published Sunday, October 03, 2010 by James. 
I remember working with these LSSI folks back in 2002. Seems they continue to
take over libraries and operate them like franchises.
In my setting, I can't see it happening.
If these guys got Walmart like consumer demand data, they could in theory do a better job than most libraries today. Realistically, if our faculty really did their jobs to the highest standard, they would select all the library's materials, teach IL in the classroom and work with LSSI to make online course readings infrastructure.
But it will never happen...because faculty want to do less and less, not more work. The library is a service for them and their students to consume not be part of...
I'm still watching LSSI though...