"Today, three years is an Eternity"
Published Friday, November 26, 2010 by James | E-mail this post 
George F. Will3 million iPods in 2.5 years
3 million Kindles in 2 years
3 million iPads in 80 days
3 million iPhones in 3 weeks
2001 iPod arrived. Les than 10 years later the number of employees of music stores declined from 80 000 to less than 20 000....but now folks shop online so the jobs are up at FedEx, UPS delivering what e-shoppers buy....destruction then creativity in three year blocks?
WWW killed the travel agent industry, is about to destroy Real Estate Agents, who is next??? Teachers?...I can see how technology can be used to teach more students with less teaching staff....at least at lower higher education levels...