Best Google Maps Mashups
Published Wednesday, April 11, 2007 by James | E-mail this post 
News MapSelect any country in the world and up pops a live feed of relevant articles from Yahoo News.
PediaXIt's a cartographic flyover of Wikipedia — as you mouse across Earth, the map fills with markers for any place or landmark that has a Wikipedia entry. Click 'em to bring up a brief description.
Flood MapsWondering whether you'll own beachfront property once the last ice sheet melts? This site uses NASA topographical data to show how coastlines will look with each meter of sea level rise.
Fast Food MapsPick any big city and let your mind reel at the concentration of franchised french fries. Then chart a course to the nearest In-N-Out burger.
Safe2PeeWhen nature calls a transgendered one, this site answers with the location of gender-neutral restrooms in selected US and Canadian cities.
Gmaps PedometerOK, anyone who tracks their distance to four decimal places needs to chill out. But it's pretty cool to find out how much ground you cover in your daily run.
Labels: maps