Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.
MIT's FreeCulture club has started "YouTomb" -- a graveyard for youtubes taken off the Internet due to copyright complaints.
YouTomb is a research project by MIT Free Culture that tracks videos taken down from YouTube for alleged copyright violation.
More specifically, YouTomb continually monitors the most popular videos on YouTube for copyright-related takedowns. Any information available in the metadata is retained, including who issued the complaint and how long the video was up before takedown. The goal of the project is to identify how YouTube recognizes potential copyright violations as well as to aggregate mistakes made by the algorithm.
Michael Geist reports "Tens of thousands of Canadians have spoken out against Bill C-61 [Ed: the Canadian DMCA] over the past month. In addition to the letters, MP meetings, and town halls, many have created mashups, videos, comics, posters, photos, and other creative art to express their disappointment and concern with Industry Minister Jim Prentice's plan for copyright in Canada. To build on this creativity, the Fair Copyright for Canada group is launching a new YouTube video competition. C-61 in 61 Seconds invites everyone to post a video - whether rant, mashup, or something new - on the copyright bill."
• Academic libraries’ expenditures totaled $6.2 billion during FY 2006. • During FY 2006, academic libraries spent $3.1 billion on salaries and wages, representing 50 percent of total library expenditures. • Academic libraries spent $2.4 billion on information resources during FY 2006. • Academic libraries spent $94 million for electronic books, serials backfiles, and other materials in FY 2006. Expenditures for electronic current serial subscriptions were $692 million. • During FY 2006, academic libraries spent $106.3 million for bibliographic utilities, networks, and consortia.
360 degree tours of 50+ selected cities worldwide--New York, Antwerp, Vancouver, Tehran, Hong Kong, etc. They select certain indoor and outdoor attractions in each city, map them, and show them in their 360 degree glory.
"College students, already struggling with soaring tuition bills and expenses, are encountering yet another financial hit: Publishers and schools are working together to produce "custom" textbooks that can limit students' use of the money-saving trade in used books. And in a controversial twist, some academic departments are sharing in the profits from these texts."
I find this hard to believe. Lees than 50% of students, from experience, buy books anymore. Seems like great foddor for textbook 'torrent' advocates!
I've been noticing lately how dated library websites are beginning to look compared to commerical websites. One easy way to spice things up is to add video content. Humber has some great testimonials. Screencasts are another thing we should be adding regularly.
Iceberg is a powerful web-based tool for the creation and usage of custom-built business software. Beyond this, Iceberg is a platform for sharing and marketing this software to others who may have the same business needs.
"Brijit.com synthesizes articles from magazines and newspapers into mini-reviews of 100 or fewer words...All of the Brijit summaries are written by ordinary web surfers. When a magazine publishes a new issue, Brijit's editors put the contents out for "assignment." Anyone can log on, pick an article that looks interesting and take a crack at writing a summary."
"Ms. Jacoby said, something different is happening: anti-intellectualism (the attitude that “too much learning can be a dangerous thing”) and anti-rationalism (“the idea that there is no such things as evidence or fact, just opinion”) have fused in a particularly insidious way.
Not only are citizens ignorant about essential scientific, civic and cultural knowledge, she said, but they also don’t think it matters."
Lynnfield, MA. February 12, 2008. -- CrossRef, the association behind the well-known publisher linking network, announced today that it had launched the beta version of a new plug-in that allows bloggers to look up and insert DOI®-enabled citations in the course of authoring a blog.
Lynnfield, MA. February 12, 2008. -- CrossRef, the association behind the well-known publisher linking network, announced today that it had launched the beta version of a new plug-in that allows bloggers to look up and insert DOI®-enabled citations in the course of authoring a blog.
Rapid accumulations of capital are leaving interesting fossils in our communities and around the globe. One only imagines if Dubai will still be around in a few decades. Look at all the abandoned neighbourhoods in U.S. cities. This "fossil" seemed particularly intriguing.
and yet folks continue to be homeless, and go hungry....