Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Video: Did You Know 3.0

Read all about it.

"“We have all operated for the last few years with the idea that online piracy was something that publishers of Tolkien or science fiction had to worry about, but who would bother with the specialized books coming out of university presses?” Now, he said, it’s clear that many will bother."

— Scott Jaschik

Marc Cote writes in the Globe and Mail that Canadians lack awareness about Canadian authors because our media is heavily U.S. centric and produced and schools are not giving enough attention to Canadian authors. I get confused between what is a Canadian book: one with a Canadian author, or a book produced in Canada? Does it matter. Don't the best authors travel the world to hon their skills? I read alot of Canadian Non-fiction, and so do others I know. Fiction is fickle, like movies I tend to not care who makes they only that they are great. I find a away to find them. Yes I agree, Canadian students should maybe read Earth and High Heaven instead of To Kill a Mockingbird. The point of literature courses however, is to read, comprehend, discuss and learn how to craft a story. In that case the title itself should not matter only the themes should be relevant to the experience of students. Seems like a few publishing/author folks are crying foul because they don't get as many blockbusters as they would like. Maybe the blockbuster economy or business model is not sustainable anyways?

NY Times Tries to Shed Light on Libraryland

In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update
Feb. 15th 2009

Another Video Bashes Internal Company Realities

O’Reilly Media by John Broughton.

Trend Map


Click on the map to download the pdf (810KB)

Created by Richard Watson, the 2009 trend map moves on from the subway map theme of the last years to show the year ahead.

Comic Book Lettering Decoded

NASA Management's Video Report

A great video report (love the idea!) on an internal research finding at NASA.

1.5 million public domain ebooks + 230 000+ licensed ebooks are coming to a cell phone soon. Woohoo. Japan has had this for years now. Should we be impressed?

Until the collusion here gets nipped in the bud, we won't see true innovation for years to come. Our firms only plant seeds they know will grow to be blockbusters. They don't experiment. Look at all the publishers closing down units in this tough economy. Maybe they would not have to if they dropped their greed and took a few risks.

Google Books Mobile

Google Latitude

Location Awareness comes to Google Maps.

Google Latitude

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