Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Amazon Adds More Devices to Kindle Content

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"Amazon site today announces availability of free downloadable
software that allows you to read your Kindle books on a PC, a
Mac, an iPad, an iPhone, or a Blackberry. I've tried both PC and
Mac and can attest that it works well: on a bright display,
rather handsomer than on the Kindle, and on a large screen,
easier to read e.g. maps that were too small to see on the
Kindle. When you open Kindle-for-PC, it tells you that you can
by one double-click access and start reading the books you
already have on your Kindle. That changes the "value
proposition" for me: buy a book once and read it on multiple
devices. Clearly a competitive move against the public release
of the iPad this weekend."

James O'Donnell

see also:
Amazon.com Debuts Kindle App for iPad

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