Britannica Tries to Push Wikipedia Into the Wall
Published Sunday, March 26, 2006 by James | E-mail this post 
In NASCAR automobile racing, intentionally pushing a competitor into the wall on the race track, all so gently, without the victim or anyone else knowing they were "bumped", is a proven tactic for winning races or moving up the standings. If you are caught, you can be punished both financially and in championship points.
Nature tried to push Britannica into the
wall on the information race track. Crash and burn baby, you're out of the race! Britannica went to the garage, hammered out the sheet metal put on some 200 mile per hour duck tape and got back onto the track to
get even with Nature.
As fun as this is to watch (lots of people are trying to crash Wikipedia out of the race), accuracy or quality is not the key difference between the two. Britannica suffers currency issues, that is entries are often old and out of date. Wikipedia lacks editorial oversight and anything goes. The real difference is in the range of entries. Whenever I want a definition or description or explanation of anything, Britannica never has the entry. You know what? I always find it in Wikipedia. Try looking up DRM in Britannica...or information about your small home town...or local food specialties, try "Poutine" see why I love I've always said, sometimes I use a rock to bang in an exposed nail on the deck because I'm too lazy to go get the hammer. It works...