Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Recommender Systems Gone Awry

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When shopping on the web, we've become accustomed to expect customer reviews (tainted by marketers or not) alongside products, to help us choose one from a set of alternatives. Reviewers are beginning to have a bit too much fun writing fictional, highly creative reviews of products, especially taking them out of context. See Amazon.com reviews for Tuscan Whole Milk to see what I'm talking about.

Not as fun as some mock travel disasters, on travel advise web sites, reviewers post to slander specific hotels and resorts, but I'm glad to see unbounded creativity embedding itself in these new virtual environments. I'm always leary of unedited postings. There's no reputation feedback mechanism. I'm not big on anonymous postings. I want to know who I'm listening to, what else have they said in the past, what other people said about them, etc.

Without it, in time, as Wikipedia demonstrated, you get a sort of free-for-all.

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