Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Best Stephen Abram Quote

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I came across this again recently, Stephen abram's dislike of Information Literacy practices today:

"“isn’t this a great way to reach out to our users, by telling them they’re illiterate and they need us to help them learn how to find information - something they probably already feel quite good at.”

I know where he's coming from and I can appreciate it, but...as a society, if we water everything down to its lowest common demoninator, to make it easy to use, accomplish, etc., where is that going to get us in the long term? I'm sorry but the high school kids today have less learning ability, a smaller knowledge base, and less mastery of subejct areas than 25 years ago. Graduate and retention rate targets have decimated education in North America. Instead of moving the bar to solve the problem, we should have worked on teaching practices. As consumers, yes, we want it easy to use, as researchers however, we need to acquire a knowledgebase and skills. Lets not mix work with play Stephen...

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