Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Pew, Podcasts and Stephen Abram

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Quoted, from Stephen Abram, because I'm too busy to summarize myself:

"the most recent report from The Pew Internet and American Life Project tells us that the downloading of podcasts by Internet users has grown almost 75% in about 6 months. 12% of Internet users have downloaded a podcast according to their survey in Aug. 2006 compared with 7% in Jan/Feb 2006.

What does it mean for libraries?

First, we know that our Internet users have different profiles than our walk-in clients. So we might want to promote different containers for different users. For example, an audio-book users is more likely to be a commuter (highway driving, train, etc.) and might need different marketing and services.

What are the uses of podcasts in libraries?

- Library Tours (can even be downlaoded to smart phones)
- Story hours / Story Time (record your kiddy librarians)
- Information Literacy and Research Help (check out the many already in iTunes, etc.)
- Library updates and library news
- Colldecting and indexing good free podcasts (found through the podcast search engines)
- Local history (collected from veterans, pioneers, local characters, etc.)
- Teen book/DVD/Game reviews (collected by the circulation desk)
- Music collections
- Audiobook collections (ON iPods and MP3 players)
- Library events (like Science Fair help, Literacy nights, author readings)
- Library debates
- Archiving class lectures
- Library marketing podcasts (how to use RSS, databases, VR, etc.)
- Training
- Library gadget petting zoos (for staff and patrons)
- Public speaking training (partnering with groups)"

Despite this growth, most of my students, over 90% don't access or even know what Podcasts are...

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