Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Out With the Soft Seating!

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"Just a decade ago, the trend in the bookstore industry was to fit nooks and crannies with big chairs for browsing, which, it was hoped, would spur buying. The idea was to recast the bookstore as a community place or an extension of the home. Out with sterile bookstores where customers stood at attention to check out a book; in with warm, sinking chairs where book lovers could be by their lonesome.

But now the availability of so-called "soft" seating - overstuffed chairs and sofas - is on the decline at some bookstores, done in by various complications: homeless squatters, overly enthusiastic young lovers, food trash left behind.

"We were finding people staying for hours and hours and not necessarily buying books," says Juliana Wood, district marketing manager for the Borders chain. "We obviously hope browsing turns to purchasing, but that's a chance you take when you offer people a really comfortable setting.""

Baltimore Sun

We libraries have the same problem...folks hanging around browsing, reading but not signing things out. Maybe if we too reduce our soft seating our bottom line will improve? Is that what you are thinking Stephen?

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