Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Entertainment Industry Wants Photo-Radar on All the 'Pipes'

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I'm big on analogy, we're starting to see where the Entertainment Industry is headed, in terms of trying to combat content sharing and derrivative works: they want ISPs to use something like Photo-radar to bill people sharing and using their property online.

Ian Brown of Blogzilla writes:

"The current favourite seems to be that ISPs should be forced to monitor all exchanges of data and charge customers when a copyright work is spotted. When I asked how the spread of encryption could possibly be compatible with this scheme, they airily replied that only paedophiles use that technology and we would all be better off if it was banned."

I'm all for it if the fees were reasonable. I'm thinking micropayments, not their typical macropayments.

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