Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Are Library Books an Advertising Medium?

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Seems some folks in the UK are going to put Adverts in boks being signed out as a way to make money. Sounds reasonable.

"The scheme offers advertisers 500,000 inserts in county libraries such as Essex, Dorset, Somerset and also Bromley, in Kent, and Leeds. It aims to cover the UK by the middle of 2008 with around 3m inserts being made available per month. The promotion is being run by direct marketing company Howse Jackson Marketing and Brandspace CMS. Inserts, weighing up to nine grammes, are placed in each book as it is hired from the library, with a single insert allocated per person in order to avoid wastage. Only one insert campaign will be allowed each month. Mark Jackson, of Howse Jackson Marketing, said: "Library inserts are innovative, unique and offer audience segments which can be traditionally hard to reach. "Using library books as an advertising medium provides additional revenue for the libraries to invest in books and therefore allows advertisers to contribute directly to local communities.""

BBC News

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