Ramblings, citations and "brainwaves" of a college librarian in Toronto. 475 square feet refers to the size of my home, not the size of my office or library.

Sam Bulte Corrupts Copyright Reform Process

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Michael Geist, Canada's Copyright Knight in shining armour, indirectly helped unseat the MP who was supposed to speak for Canadians on Copyright reform in Canada. Sam, was financed by the entertainment industry and their lobby groups and had no interest in protecting consumers from the entertainment industry. If MPs can't protect us, who can? DVD Jon?

I guess the internet is going to become like cable tv without PVRs. You get what you pay for and nothing more, and can only access it from designated devices. Don't forget the spam and ads, just because you pay does not mean you get a great experience. Oh yeah, just like they pump in ads at movies now for 40 minutes before the movie starts. You pay 15 dollars plus food, and have to watch ads, and they wonder why people are downloading...

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